Shade and Flowering Trees
Our size and growth descriptions are our best estimate for a healthy 30 year old tree grown under average conditions. Keep in mind that the mature size of a tree varies by weather and soil conditions, stress factors and cultural practices (mulching, fertilizing, watering etc.)
Acer – Maples
Amelanchier – Serviceberry

Ht: 50-60 ft. Sprd: 15-25 ft. A fast growing red maple variety with an upright and columnar growth habit. Leaves turn yellow to orange-red in the fall. Thrives in moist soils.

Acer rubrum (Red Maple) - Brandywine Ht: 25 ft. Sprd: 12 ft. A dense, oval shaped canopy provides an interesting accent or shade tree for a smaller yard, or nook in the garden. Green leaves turn intense red then deep purple in the fall. Seedless.

Acer rubrum (Red Maple) - Burgundy Belle Ht: 30-45 ft. Sprd: 25-35 ft. This is an outstanding new variety of red maple that has a uniquely attractive shape. Dark green leaves provide a dense canopy for shade spring/summer then turning brilliant red and orange finally to rich burgundy in fall.

Acer x freemanii - Celebration Ht: 45 ft. Sprd: 20-25 ft. This fast growing maple combines the advantage of the Silver and Red Maples with a uniform, oval shape that is perfect for a narrower space. Large, deeply serrated green leaves decorate this favorite shade tree until its celebration of brilliant red to gold in fall. Seedless. Drought tolerant.

Ht: 35-40 ft. Sprd: 30-35 ft. Considered to be one of the best red-leaved Norway Maples. The intense maroon leaf color lasts all season long. A medium sized maple with a dense, rounded crown. Slow grower.

Ht: 25 ft. Sprd: 15 ft: Prized as a small garden tree for tighter-spaced areas. Slow- growing, dense, upright, compact form with a narrow canopy. Foliage emerges bright crimson and later morphs to deep purple in summer. Maroon to reddish-brown fall color.

Acer platanoides (Norway Maple) - Deborah Ht: 40-60 ft. Sprd: 35-45 ft. Rapid growth rate. This truly amazing shade tree makes a statement in spring with its reddish-purple emergent foliage that matures into a lustrous dark green with hints of bronze in summer. A true, big-leaf maple that will provide a cool retreat from the sun. Fall color bronze-yellow.

Acer rubrum (Red Maple) - October Glory Ht: 40-50 ft. Sprd: 25-35 ft. Small, showy red ‘flowers’ appear in early spring before the dark green leaves emerge. A rapid growing Maple that turns brilliant, rich red in fall. Tolerates dry and wet soils.

Acer rubrum (Red Maple) - Red Rocket Ht: 30-35 ft. Sprd. 8-12 ft. A strong columnar Maple, ideal for smaller landscapes, or street tree. Showy red flower clusters early spring with red emergent foliage turning green through summer. Excellent scarlet red color in fall.

Acer rubrum (Red Maple) - Red Sunset Ht: 50 ft. Sprd: 30-40 ft. Fairly rapid growth rate. Showy red ‘flowers’ in spring. Leaves turn brilliant scarlet reds in the fall. Tolerates moist soil. Our most popular shade tree.

Acer platanoides (Norway Maple) - Royal Red Ht: 35-40 ft. Sprd: 20-25 ft. A type of Norway Maple that is similar to 'Crimson Maple'. A slow growing, dense shade tree. A well-shaped canopy, which is conical when young, becoming broadly round with age. The glossy foliage is an excellent maroon red all season.

Acer saccharium (Sugar Maple) Ht: 50-60 ft. Sprd: 40-50 ft. Exceptional, vigorous grower with an upright oval form and strong branching habit. Thick, leathery, dark green foliage has a waxy coating on the leaves to protect them from hot, windy, and dry conditions in the summer making it fairly drought tolerant. Sugar maples are known for their intense orange to scarlet fall color display.

Acer saccharium (Sugar Maple) - Legacy Ht:50 ft. Sprd: 35 ft. A fast growing shade tree with a dense, somewhat ovular, crown. Rich green leaves are resistant to summer heat and leaf tatter. This variety is truly a spectacular sight with its exceptional fall color in shades of brilliant red, pinks and orange.

Acer rubrum (Red Maple) - Sun Valley Ht: 45 ft. Sprd: 35 ft. A fairly fast grower with a symmetrical rounded to oval crown. Medium green foliage turns brilliant red in a long-lasting fall color display. Great for use as a shade tree. Will tolerate wet, but well drained soils if needed. Seedless.

Ht: 20 ft. Sprd: 15 ft. Small multi stemmed tree with clusters of white flowers in early spring, followed by edible purplish-blue fruit later in the season. Green leaves turning orange-red in the fall. Good bird tree.
Betula – Birch

Ht: 40-50 ft. Sprd: 25 ft. Attractive buff-colored peeling bark, thrives in moist areas. More resistant to borers than the white birch, and most heat tolerant also.

Ht: 40-60 ft. Sprd: 20-40 ft. All year long, its shaggy, peaches and cream colored bark will be a standout in your landscape. Perfect for wet soils, it is also extremely resistant to bronze birch borer and leaf spot diseases.
Carpinus – Hornbeam
Cercis – Redbud

Carpinus (Hornbeam) - Columnar Ht: 30 ft. Sprd: 20 ft. An attractive, columnar tree with dense branches when young, spreading into a broad cone with age. Tolerates heat and drought conditions when established. Small serrated green leaves turn yellow in the fall. Great as a street tree or for screening.

Carpinus (Hornbeam) - Fastigate - Ht: 40 ft. Sprd: 20 ft. Sometimes called upright European Hornbeam, displays a narrow, fastigiate form in youth,, gradually acquiring a teardrop or vase shape with age.

Ht.: 30-35 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. Crisply serrated green leaves on a narrow, upright columnar form. Can be used as a tall screen or hedge by planting 10 ft apart in a row. Also a great specimen tree for a small nook or opening in the garden. Smooth, gray, textured bark. Bright, gold fall color.

Ht: 15-25 ft. Sprd: One of the most stunning selections of our native Redbud is set ablaze with vivid deep fuchsia-red blooms in spring before the leaves emerge. Large heart shaped leaves adorn this uniquely shaped tree. Great for partly shady spots, edges of woodlands, or full sun. Golden fall color.

Ht:20-25 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. Following the purple/pink flowers in early spring - maroon, red and pink leaves emerge transitioning to variegated green and white as they age. Fast growing.

Cercis chinensis (Redbud) - Don Egolf - Ht: 8-10 ft. Sprd: 8-10 ft. This dwarf variety is covered from top to bottom with vivid rosy mauve flowers in early spring, producing no seeds. Heavy dark green, heart shaped leaves can tolerate dry and hot locations.

Ht: 20-30 ft. Sprd: 20-25 ft. Lovely, small vase shaped tree with reddish-purple new leaf growth. Small purplish-pink flowers along the branch before leaves appear in spring. Grows well in moist soils. Deep green leaves turning brilliant yellow in the fall.

Ht: 20-25 ft. Sprd: 20-25 ft. Small, rounded form. Heart-shaped, bright red-purple new leaves become deeper purple through the growing season. Rose-purple flowers in spring, bloom along the branch before leaves appear. Leaves turning brilliant yellow/gold in the fall.

Ht: 8-10 ft. Sprd: cascading form. Weeping variety of the popular Eastern Redbud. An unusual specimen with bright purplish-pink sweet pea shaped blooms in spring before the green, heart shaped leaves emerge. Deep green leaves turning brilliant yellow in the fall.

Cercis canadensis (Redbud) - Pink Heartbreaker Ht: 10 ft. Spreading A stunning specimen with flowers that are tiny, richly colored a bright shade of lavender-pink and very profuse. Beautiful bright red new growth appears in spring and remains until the warm weather of summer begins.

Ht: 10-12 ft. Sprd: 6-8 ft. A gorgeous new cultivar. After the purplish-pink sweet pea-like flowers are spent, rosy-peach leaves appear and turn bright green, changing to tangerine at branch ends for the summer. Tan bark creates winter interest and is distinct from other varieties. Perfect understory or accent tree.

Ht: 8 ft. Sprd: 6-8 ft. A spectacular hardy spring bloomer with very showy lavender-red flowers held tightly on bare branches in early Spring. Burgundy foliage emerges, maturing to a deep violet-purple – a great weeping ornamental tree.

Ht:12 ft. Sprd: 8 ft. A weeping redbud with stunning white pea-like flowers along the branches from early to mid-Spring, which emerge chartreuse in Spring.
Chionanthus - Fringe Tree

Tree Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. An outstanding Native small-tree/large shrub with fragrant, fluffy, white flowers that cover the tree in spring. A slow grower, under a foot of growth a year makes this tree ideal for small spaces.
Cornus – Dogwood

Cornus rutdan (Dogwood) Celestial - Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. A Rutgers hybrid variety with greater disease and borer resistance. A cross between ‘florida’ and ‘kousa’ this tree blooms mid to late spring. Young flowers have a greenish tinge opening to white. Red fall leaf color.

Cornus florida (Dogwood) - Cherokee Brave Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. Deservedly one of the most popular American Dogwoods. Spectacular large rosy red flower in early spring followed by rubust burgundy spring foliage turning to green until its gorgeous brilliant red-marron show of fall color.

Cornus rutgan (Dogwood) - Stellar PInk - Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. A cross between ‘florida’ and ‘kousa’ this Rutgers hybrid has a greater resistance to disease and borers. Pink blooms in mid to late spring. Brilliant red leaf color in fall.

Cornus kousa (Dogwood) - Kousa (Single-Stem / Multi-Stem Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 15 ft. Large shrub or small tree with large white flowers blooming end of May/ beginning of June. Blooms last up to one month. Dark green leaves in summer turning reddish purple and scarlet in fall. Fruit is pinkish red to red resembling a large raspberry in form. Exfoliating bark gives a year round effect.

Cornus kousa (Dogwood) - China Girl - Ht:12 ft. Sprd: 9 ft. Produces masses of creamy yellow tinted flowers in June that cover the plant against the backdrop of dark green leaves.

Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. In early summer (June), the white flowers open with bright green highlights and slowly change to a creamy white.

Cornus kousa (Dogwood) - Heart Throb Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. Luscious green foliage with showy heavy vein structure turns a deep purplish- red in fall. A long blooming period from late May through June. Large, rose-pink 4” blooms give way to pink raspberry-like fruit,

Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. Known for its white, star shaped, uniform heavy bloom. Produces more flowers and fruit than the traditional Kousa. Large, pinkish-red, edible strawberry-like fruit. Reddish-purple fall color. Exfoliating bark gives a year round effect. Very suitable for small yards. Broad, bushy form.

Cornus kousa (Dogwood) - Summer Fun Ht: 10-12 ft. Sprd 10-12 ft. A variegated leaf variety of Kousa Dogwood. Foliage matures to a light green with bright white slightly wavy edges. Late spring brings large star shaped white flowers. Fall brings red-orange with a pink margin color to the leaves. Red berries in fall.

Ht: 20 ft. Sprd: 20 ft. Distinguished by exceptionally large, profuse creamy white flowers – six plus inches in size – that almost completely cover the tree.
Crataegus – Hawthorn

Crataegus viridus (Hawthorn) - Winter King - Ht: 25-35 ft. Sprd: 20-25 ft. Dense, rounded, vase-shaped tree with glossy green foliage that turns purple to scarlet or gold to bronze in the fall. Showy, large white flower clusters are followed by bright red fruit that persist through winter. Thorns.
Fagus - Beech

Ht: 40-45 ft. Sprd: 8-10ft. A tall, extremely columnar tree emerging with coppery-bronze leaves in spring turning to rich purple the remainder of the season. Showy, smooth silver bark is extremely nice even in winter. Beautiful vertical accent or specimen tree.

Ht: 30 ft. Sprd: 20 ft. Purple leaves with pink and cream colored margins create a stunning display of color in the landscape. Smooth, gray bark has a wrinkled appearance. Slow growth rate.

Ht: 30-40 ft. Sprd: 6-8 ft. A handsome, columnar specimen tree with deep purple crinkled foliage all season long. Slow growing with a naturally narrow form.

Gleditsia – Honeylocust

Ht: 40-50 ft. Sprd: 25-30 ft. This male Ginkgo features distinctive, two-lobed, somewhat leathery, fan shaped leaves. Leaves turn a uniform golden yellow in fall. A distinct improvement on the species, a great choice as a shade/lawn tree.

Ht: 30-40 ft. Sprd: 25-35 ft. Branches spread at right angles to the main trunk, giving it a rounded outline. Dark green, lacy foliage turns yellow-green in fall. Thornless and seedless.
Halesia - Silverbell

Ht: 30-40 ft. Sprd: 20-35 ft. Flowers are bell-shaped, white with yellow anthers that hang down like a clapper. Bloom time is April and early May. Pest resistant.
Heptacodium - Seven Son Flower

Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 8-12 ft. A large shrub or small tree, produces white flowers in late summer. After the petals fall, the pink sepals remain, giving the appearance that the plant is in flower again.
Liquidambar - Sweetgum

Ht:30-40 ft. Sprd: 20-30 ft. Distinctive, star shaped, glossy green leaves turn orange, purple and red tones in the fall. SEEDLESS. Bark is ridged and the twigs are often corky.

Ht: 40 ft. Sprd: 25ft. A beautifully pyramidal shade tree with interestingly palm-shaped leaves that turn outstanding red, purple and yellow in fall. Neither the flowers or spiny fruits are significant. Fast grower.

Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 10-15 ft. A beautiful hybrid magnolia noted for its non-fading yellow, fragrant flowers in spring. Compact, pyramidal form and hardy to both heat and cold.

Ht: 20-25 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. Compact, upright habit, large reddish-purple flowers with white interiors and a late blooming time of mid-April to early May.

Ht:20 ft. Sprd: 10 ft. Upright form. Dark green, narrow leaves with orange-brown undersides. White, fragrant flowers in summer. Evergreen. A traditional southern magnolia.

Ht:25 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. Dark green leaves with silvery bottoms. White lemon scented flowers in summer. Clusters of red berries after the flowers are gone. Tolerates wet soils. Deciduous.

Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 10-15 ft. A small deciduous tree with a spreading, rounded crown and very nice, large dark green leaves. Large, fuzzy flower buds give way to gorgeous, fragrant, white star-shaped flowers in spring before leaves emerge. Beautiful specimen tree.
Malus - Flowering Crabapples

Malus (Flowering Crab) - Camelot - Ht: 10 ft. Sprd: 8 ft. This dwarf crab has a compact, rounded form perfect for small garden situations. Red buds open to single, fuchsia pink on white blooms followed by 3/8” rich burgundy fruit. Leathery dark green summer foliage has a distinct burgundy overcast.

Malus (Flowering Crab) - Candymint - Ht: 8-10 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. A gorgeous specimen with a wide-spreading habit. Foliage emerges dark maroon, then the serrated leaves fade to green while the veins and petiole keep a reddish hue. Deep carmine buds open to pink blooms followed by ¼” dark maroon, persistent fruit. Works well where a low, horizontal element is needed. Disease resistant.

Malus (Flowering Crab) - Coral Burst - Ht: 8 ft. Sprd: 6-8 ft. This is a bushy, rounded, dwarf type. Glossy dark green leaves. The coral pink buds develop into double rose pink flowers in spring. Produces red fruit about ½” in diameter. Very disease resistant.

Malus (Flowering Crab) - Echtermeyer - Ht: 15 ft. Sprd: 15 ft. Dark red buds give way to large purple blooms along the unique weeping branches in spring. Leaves emerge tinted purple and turn to bronze green as they mature. The weeping form can be easily maintained at any size or left alone to grow naturally. Small, burgundy fruits are food for birds.

Malus (Flowering Crab) - Prairifire - Ht: 20 ft. Sprd: 20 ft. This outstanding flowering disease resistant tree was named the 1996 Iowa Tree of the Year. Foliage emerges reddish-maroon maturing to dark green. Red buds open to dark purplish red flowers followed by 1/2” dark red-purple persistent fruit.

Ht: 18-20 ft. Sprd: 12 ft. This tree is columnar in youth becoming rounded at maturity. Deep red buds open to 2” single red flowers. The dark green foliage is tinged red and provides a nice back drop for the glossy dark red ½” persistent fruit.

Metasequoia - Dawn Redwood
Platanus – Sycamore

Metasequoia (Dawn Redwood) - Ht: 70 ft. Sprd: 25-40 ft. Resembles and is related to the true redwood. Deciduous conifer with a pyramidal growth habit. Discovered in China and introduced into the U.S. by the Arnold Arboretum in 1944. Lacy bright green foliage turning apricot in fall.
Prunus – Flowering Cherry

Platanus x acerifolia - London Plane Sycamore - Ht: 90 ft. Sprd: 60-70 ft. Rapid growing adaptable shade tree with large leaves that turn yellow in the fall. Camouflaged grey and silver colored bark exfoliates, leaving a chalky, white, smooth look as the tree matures. Heat, drought, and pollution resistant.

Ht: 55-65 ft. Sprd: 40-50 ft. A large, fast-growing shade tree with beautiful peeling bark. This variety is resistant to anthracnose and frost cracking.

Prunus (Flowering Cherry) - Accolade - Ht: 20-25 ft. Sprd: 10-15 ft. A small spreading tree with lots of dark pink buds opening to pink semi-double flowers in early spring. Ideal for small garden spaces. Orange-gold fall color.

Prunus sargentii (Flowering Cherry) - Columnar Sargent - Ht: 35 ft. Sprd: 10-15 ft. Gorgeous rosy-pink spring blooms on an upright, columnar form. Rich reddish-brown glossy bark and bronze-red-orange to gold leaf coloration in fall makes it a great specimen tree for small nooks or spaces in the garden. May also make a great street tree.

Prunus serrulata (Flowering Cherry) - Dwarf Kwanzan - Ht: 12-15 ft. Sprd: 12-15 ft. Pendulous double deep pink flowers, 2 ½” in diameter, makes this one of the showiest oriental cherries. New foliage appears coppery-bonze in color. As leaves mature they turn green, fall color is reddish copper. Upright spreading vase shaped form.

Prunus serrulata (Flowering Cherry) - Kwanzan - Ht: 20-25 ft. Sprd: 20-25 ft. Pendulous double deep pink flowers, 2 ½” in diameter, makes this one of the showiest oriental cherries. New foliage appears coppery-bonze in color. As leaves mature they turn green, fall color is reddish copper. Upright spreading vase shaped form. One of the varieties used in Washington D.C.’s cherry blossom display.

Prunus x incamp (Flowering Cherry) - Okame - Ht: 25 ft. Sprd: 20 ft. Upright, oval form and fast growing. Dark green, finely textured leaves with single pink flowers in March or early April. You will be blown away each year with an explosion of clustered carmine pink flowers. Yellow-orange to orange-red fall color. A must have.

Prunus subhirtella (Flowering Cherry) - Pink Weeping - Ht: 15-20 ft. Sprd: 15-20 ft. Outstanding ornamental tree with graceful weeping branches covered with double pink flowers appearing before the foliage. Dark green foliage turns yellow in the fall.

Prunus serrulata (Flowering Cherry) - Royal Burgundy - Ht: 20-25 ft Sprd: 20-25 ft. Reddish purple foliage all season with large double deep pink flowers in mid-spring. Upright spreading vase form.

Prunus x snofozam (Flowering Cherry) - Snow Fountain - Ht: 8-10 ft. Sprd: 8-12 ft. Covered with semi double snow white flowers in spring. Its graceful cascading branches along with an abundance of blooms gives a fountain like appearance. Small dark green leaves turn golden to orange in the fall. This tree is ideal for small yards and Japanese gardens.

Prunus serrulata (Flowering Cherry) - Snow Goose - Ht: 20-25 ft. Sprd: 20-25 ft. Gorgeous snow white flowers appear on this vase-shaped wide branched (with age) Cherry in spring. Bright, glossy, green foliage turns golden in fall.

Prunus subhirtella (Flowering Cherry) - Whitcomb - Ht: 25-30 ft. Sprd: 25-30 ft. One of the earliest spring blooming Cherries. Flowers open dark pink and fade to almost white before dropping. Serrated dark green leaves and typical reddish brown bark.

Prunus x yedoensis (Flowering Cherry) - Yoshino - Ht: 30 ft. Sprd: 30 ft. A famous planting of these trees exists around the tidal basin in Washington, D.C. Single light pink to nearly white fragrant flowers in early spring. Fast growing with horizontal branching and a graceful, open pattern.
Pyrus – Flowering Pear

Pyrus calleryana (Flowering Pear) - Cleveland - Ht: 25-30 ft. Sprd: 15 ft. Hardy pyramidal tree with clusters of showy white blooms in spring. Glossy green foliage turns reddish-orange to plum in fall.
Quercus – Oak

Quercus palustris (Pin Oak) - Ht: 60 ft. Sprd: 45 ft. A rapid growing pyramidal oak, with slightly drooping branches. Many lobed sharply pointed leaves which hang onto the tree into winter. Green leaves turn scarlet in fall.

Quercus rubra (Red Oak) - Ht: 60-75 ft. Sprd: 60 ft. Fastest grower of the oaks. One of the easiest to transplant. Good street or landscape tree with dense lustrous foliage. Autumn color is red to reddish brown.

Quercus coccinea (Scarlet Oak) - Ht: 60 ft. Sprd: 35-40 ft. Matures to a broad pyramidal shape with glossy, dark green foliage turns scarlet in fall. Leaves persist on trees into winter. Fast growing.

Quercus bicolor (Swamp White Oak - Ht: 50-60 ft. Sprd: 50-60 ft. Great tree for moist or swampy areas, but also does well in well drained soil. Can tolerate sale and soil compaction. A broad, open crown with gray brown ragged shedding bark. Shiny, dark green shallow lobed leaves are with silvery white undersides. Yellow, sometimes purplish fall color.

Ht: 50-70 ft. Sprd: 25-50 ft. A medium to large oak tree of the red oak group that is noted for its oak shape, willow-like leaves, and relatively fast growth rate. Tolerates moist soils.
Salix – Willow

: Ht: 50 ft. Sprd: 50 ft. Cascading growth habit with golden stem color makes this tree attractive even in the winter. Can tolerate excess moisture but does not have to be planted only in wet areas. Extremely fast grower.

Ht: 6-8 ft. Sprd: 6-8 on top of a 4 ft trunk. Full sun. Dappled Nishiki Willow shrub grafted onto a 4 ft. trunk. Weeping branches display striking pink stems and buds, surrounded by foliage mottled in white, pink, and green. Deciduous. Tough plant. Can take wet soils. Head can be trimmed to any size.
Styrax Japonicus
Syringa - Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac

Ht: 20-25 ft. Sprd: 20-25 ft. Lovely, lightly-scented white flowers hang from a multi-stemmed deciduous tree with strongly horizontal side branches. The fruits are gray drupes displayed from late summer to late fall.

Syringa reticulata - Ivory Silk - Ht: 20-30 ft. Sprd: 15-25 ft. This unique flowering accent tree puts on a spectacular show early in mid-June through July with its abundant, creamy white, fragrant flowers that are arranged in dense panicles up to 12 inches long. Dark green foliage and attractive reddish-brown bark create season-long interest. Resistant to mildew, scale and borer.
Taxodium - Bald Cypress

Ht: 60-70 ft. Sprd: 25-40 ft. Native to the swamps and river bottoms in the Southern U.S., this outstanding pyramidal specimen can tolerate very wet situations; the root system forms ‘knees’ which stick out of the soil like little knobs. Feathery bright green foliage turns orange-brown before dropping in fall.

Ht: 20-25 ft. Sprd: 6-10 ft. A dense, narrow spire, with fine, almost feathery needles that change to a copper hue in Autumn, holding their color for weeks before falling.
Ulmus – Elm

Ulmus americana (Elm) - Princeton - Ht: 60-70 ft. Sprd: 30-40 ft. Vase shaped, fast growing, resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Tolerates both dry and moist soil conditions.

Zelkova - Green Vase - Ht: 60-70 ft. Sprd: 35-45 ft. Vase-shaped with low branching in youth developing ascending branches with maturity. A vigorous tree with dark green foliage that turns yellow-orange-brown in fall. Fine-textured, serrated foliage provides dappled shade. Very tolerant to wind and pollution once established.